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Cognite leads the way in developing the customer success manager role in Oslo

Employee Stories

Cognite’s solution architects aim to transform industry in the same way smart phones revolutionized society


75% of US Energy Leaders Believe Public Sustainability Declarations Don’t Match Private Boardroom Conversations

Oil & Gas

Computer Vision Remains An Untapped Opportunity In American Industry


Cognite Partners with Girlstart: Helping Girls Engage with STEM


Urgency for Industrial Transformation Takes Center Stage at Global Ignite Talks 2021: September 21-23

Industrial DataOps

Thanks to Industrial DataOps, asset-intensive industries are on the brink of their ‘iPhone moment’

Employee Stories

Robotics, cryptocurrency, and games: Cognite teams up with Microsoft to launch its first virtual hackathon


I already have an MES. Why do I need an Industrial DataOps platform?