Cognite made 3D models and equipment tags available to field workers in InField to help the independent oil and gas company Aker BP speed up visual inspection and testing of valves on the floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) unit serving the Skarv field in the Norwegian Sea.
Aker BP estimates that these efficiency gains will reduce the time field workers on the Skarv FPSO spend on visual inspection of valves from 279 hours to between 149-130 hours a year.
Optimize visual inspection and function tests
When field workers on an offshore installation conduct visual inspection and function tests of equipment, the structure of their day is often determined by the order in which the equipment is listed on a printout from the operator’s work management system.
The ordering of that object list is rarely optimized, however, which means that workers often crisscross the installation, revisiting the same locations over and over again.
It's not uncommon for some field workers to walk tens of thousands of steps in an average day, navigating installations that in some cases stretch more than a mile end-to-end. By ordering the object list in a more logical way, field workers would be able to conduct visual inspection and function tests more efficiently.
Connect equipment tags to 3D models
By giving field workers the ability to see equipment tags in context with a 3D model, Aker BP was able to slash the time it takes to inspect one valve from 10 minutes to five.
InField offers three features in particular that enable field workers to conduct visual inspection and function tests more efficiently:
- Grouping equipment tags by area, which reduces unnecessary trips back and forth between different areas of an installation.
- Displaying equipment tags in 3D, which lets workers quickly locate the tags on their object lists in the field.
- High-level 3D views, which lets workers see the areas containing equipment tags in the larger context of the installation.