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Statnett speeds up digitalization of their power network with Cognite Data Fusion®

Statnett, the system operator of the Norwegian power system, leverages Cognite Data Fusion®️ as the foundational data platform to scale data analytics and machine learning across their operations

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$2 million in estimated annual savings

60% faster time for connection analysis

Data-driven maintenance planning

See Cognite Data Fusion® in action

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In their own words

We’re developing digital solutions and making them available to our core business, which will help us boost our efficiency, improve our customer response time, and reduce costs.
Beate Sander Krogstad
Executive Vice President for IT
Through our partnership with Cognite we will be able to structure and use our data more efficiently and be able to use this to take the much-needed step towards increased efficiency and reduced costs for our customers.
Peer Olav Østli
EVP for IT
This partnership strengthens our ambition to become more data-driven in our decision-making processes.
Beate Sander Krogstad
Executive Vice President for IT